• What about the wells dug in your life? Would you trade any of the pain in your life for the riches of the wells that I have dug in your life? Would you trade anything in your life for how the pain has taught you about Me? The wells dug by pain run deep with the knowledge of Me and the reality of My love for you.

  • Scene I “Nine hundred invited guests for a wedding and no RSVP? Why don't they want a response?”

    Scene II “Thank you so much for inviting us to your wedding, but we cannot attend.” as we're thinking, “But you don't really know us as we are just customers. You make our chicken sandwiches at the restaurant!”

    Scene III “You want us to invite ALL of OUR relatives to your daughter's wedding? Why would we do that? I don't think they'd attend.”

  • If anyone knows me, they know how much I love to garden.  I grow zucchini, tomatoes, peppers, and many other herbs.  I also love planting flowers.  All gardeners know that it is important to get the soil tilled, weed free, and ready for the season.  The garden needs sunlight and water for the crops to grow.  There are so many similarities between gardening and how Jesus speaks to us.