Messages of Hope

So often we look at our ordinary lives and don’t believe that we could be used for extraordinary events. If we look in the Bible, we can see plenty of ways that God used the least expected people for His work. 


“Be still, and know that I am God”

Psalm 46:10

I've quoted this scripture a time or two - mostly in connection with an exercise for someone who has become too busy and overwhelmed with life.  I would suggest that they go into a quiet room, sit and invite Jesus to come and just sit with them, and to just enjoy His presence and Spirit for five minutes.

I grew up Catholic until I joined Spirit of God Fellowship at the age of 25. My parents were pretty much what others call “Chreasters” - only going to church on Christmas, Easter, and to celebrate the occasional Catholic sacraments such as baptisms, confirmations, Etc...

What about the wells dug in your life? Would you trade any of the pain in your life for the riches of the wells that I have dug in your life? Would you trade anything in your life for how the pain has taught you about Me? The wells dug by pain run deep with the knowledge of Me and the reality of My love for you.

Scene I “Nine hundred invited guests for a wedding and no RSVP? Why don't they want a response?”

Scene II “Thank you so much for inviting us to your wedding, but we cannot attend.” as we're thinking, “But you don't really know us as we are just customers. You make our chicken sandwiches at the restaurant!”

Scene III “You want us to invite ALL of OUR relatives to your daughter's wedding? Why would we do that? I don't think they'd attend.”