Stay Safe Stay Home Save Lives Shelter-in-Place
We have heard the above sayings so much recently that it has become a part of our everyday lives. For some of us, staying at home for such a long time has become a chore of trying not to go stir crazy. Others may be being productive by doing yard work, baking, working-at-home, and teaching their children. For others, like ourselves, it has become a time of healing from being sick with the coronavirus.
What do we do during this time of staying at home??
Psalm 27:5-6 says: For in the day of trouble He will keep me safe in His dwelling; He will hide me in the shelter of His tabernacle and set me high upon a rock.
Then my head will be exalted above the enemies who surround me; at His tabernacle will I sacrifice with shouts of joy; I will sing and make music to the Lord.
Even though we are stuck at home while the virus rages outside our homes, or in our case, as the virus was raging inside our bodies, we run to the Lord Jesus and are safe. For King David knew that the tabernacle is not always a building, but rather a fellowship with the Lord (although we do miss meeting together at Spirit of God Fellowship!).
We rejoice in the Lord's presence. There is much we can do during our shelter in place as we hide in the shelter of His tabernacle. Personally, during this time of self isolation, my devotional time of reading scripture and praying settles my spirit. In our house, we often have Christian music playing as well. Besides our normal praying together, Cindy and I are praying at length for our church family, our community at large (village, city, state, nation and world), our ministry in Bethlehem, and our extended family. We continue to pray for the Lord to stop this virus and for revival and repentance to come. There has also been so much to watch on the internet - from our own SOGF church messages to other teachings that are challenging us.
May the Lord truly speak to you and may His presence abide with you.