Steadfast Love | Mary Crowley

The Steadfast Love of the Lord never ceases. His mercies never come to an end. They are new every morning, new every morning. Great is your faithfulness, oh Lord, great is thy faithfulness. This old song and scripture verse popped into my head about 3 months ago and I have been dwelling on them ever since. About 4 months ago it seemed as though the world stood still. We all began wearing masks and gloves and were afraid of our own mail! How quickly our society and our lives changed in such a short time. The way we did most things changed. God , however, never changes. He’s not wearing a mask or gloves, He’s still very near to us. He is not afraid to be near to us. He makes Himself known to us in many ways if we are still enough to recognize Him.

One morning as I was walking outside in my yard in April, I couldn’t believe my eyes! What?? I was shocked to see spring arrive. The plants came out of the ground, flowers were blooming, the birds were singing and having babies as if they had no idea what was going on! It was so beautiful and encouraging, the evidence of God's goodness.The earth was singing praises to God! All of creation was doing what God created it to do without hesitation, despite the circumstances. Each had something important to do and they did it. Our world is now full of color, life, and beauty since spring and summer arrived. It was like a miracle that something normal was continuing to happen. God is still in control; He is not afraid to catch the virus from us, but we should catch something from God. Let the breath of the Holy Spirit breathe on you, comfort you, teach you, and guide you. Let him give you joy, peace, love, compassion, and patience as you trust in Him and stand on His Word. Let our thoughts fuel faith instead of fear. 

His mercies are new every morning. He does not give yesterday’s mercies for today. He gives us new and fresh mercies for something new and fresh for us to do in His kingdom every day. Not dwelling on what we did for him in the past, but looking forward with purpose using the gifts that God has given us for His glory each new day. 

Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed,

for his compassions never fail.

They are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.

Lamentations 3:22-23